


Внимание !

Для всех вопросов и организации участия в наших выставках, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нашему эксклюзивному агенту в Китае:

Shanghai Smart Tomato Exhibition Co., Ltd

📍 Адрес:
Room 1005, Building 3, Jiefang Building, Minhang District
Shanghai, China

📞 Контактная информация:
Телефон: +86 21-64198757
Мобильный: +86 15900416188
E-mail: florahan@stomato.cn

📢 Attention!

Dear participants of the "Childhood 2025" and "Kids Fashion 2025" exhibitions from China,

For all inquiries and participation arrangements for our exhibitions, please contact our exclusive agent in China:

Shanghai Smart Tomato Exhibition Co., Ltd

📍 Address:
Room 1005, Building 3, Jiefang Building, Minhang District
Shanghai, China

📞 Contact Information:
Tel: +86 21-64198757
Mob: +86 15900416188
E-mail: florahan@stomato.cn

Your cooperation with Shanghai Smart Tomato Exhibition Co., Ltd will help you successfully prepare for and participate in the "Childhood 2025" and "Kids Fashion 2025" exhibitions. We look forward to seeing you at our event!